What is a computer with examples?

We will tell you today what is the computer with example? what are computer And not just that of Types of Computer Answer all these questions in very easy words? In today's high tech world there is hardly anybody who does not know about computers. Today, almost everybody knows about computer, internet, and mobile. So let's start What is Computer with an example?

What is a computer, explanation?

A computer is an electronic machine, which works on Input-Process-Output. That is, it an electronic machine that works on the principle of Input-Process-Output. This is called a computer. The computer is computed of the English word compute, Which means the calculation.
It only follows the instructions that are already inserted into them. It executes only commands directed by a program. As soon as any data inputs inside it, it processes it with the help of software and gives output.
It consists of two things that consist of hardware and software. The person operating on this is called a computer operator or user. And for those who create a programme, it is called the programmer.


All parts of this electronic machine like keyboard, monitor, CPU, or all the things we can touch by touching hands are called hardware. It has been divided into three parts.
  1.  Input Device
  2.  Central Processing Unit (C.P.U)
  3.  Output Device

1- Input Device

Parts of Computer that by which inputs to any data input into a user computer. Input Device is called. Like Keyboard, mouse, touch pen etc.
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2- Central Processing Unit (C.P.U)

This is the brain of the computer, and by this, it completes all its logical, and mathematical operations. And also keeps the store according to the user for reuse the data.

3- Output Device

After the data processing is given by the Input Device to the computer, the hardware device that receives the user processed data as output is called the output device. Like Monitor, Speaker, Printer, Plotter its.

Computer Software

 The parts that we can see can work on them. But we can not touch them with our hands, they are called software. There are also two types of this.

  •  System Software
  •  Application Software

1- System Software

The system software brings the status of working on any computer after it is turned on. Its main task is to reconcile between the hardware and application software so that the user can easily accomplish all their work on the application software. The most popular system software at this time is Windows, MacOS, Linux.

2- Application Software

The software used to carry out tasks of everyday types, surfing the internet, making charts, etc. functions. They are called application software. Every application software is made to do a particular task. Like letter pad for Wordpad, msWord, ms-paint for painting, Photoshop for photo editing etc.
Types of Computer or Computer Types
Now we will talk about how many types it is. The computer is divided into two grounds.

 Type of Computer-Based on Structure Structure

Based on performance and size work capacity

1- Based on Structure Based on Structuring

Based on this, the computer has been divided into three parts.
  •  Analog
  •  Digital
  •  Hybrid

a- what is a-analog computer

Such machines use a ruler to measure the physical quantities by measuring the temperature, pressure, length, height, and such computers are called analog computers. They are used in the field of science and engineering.

b-digital computer

The machines that do all their work as a digit and give the output as a digit. Called a digital computer. This zeroes and forest work on two digits, also called binary number system. All the computers, mobile phones that we use nowadays are all digital.

c-hybrid computer

Hybrid and digital both the properties of the computer are called hybrid computers. This type of computer is used in the medical field.

2- Based on performance and size on the basis of work efficiency

Based on the performance aur size we can explain them in 4 parts.
  • Micro
  • Mini
  • Mainframe
  •  Super

1- What is a microcomputer?

In this type of computer, the microprocessor is used. That's why it's called a microcomputer. Their size is so small. They can be used by putting them on a study table or using them in the lap. This is a single user.

2- What is the mini computer?

It is faster and faster than the micro. These are called CPU. They process the data very fast. The usage is in the case of ticket booking and banking.
These mini computers work much faster and faster

3- What is the mainframe computer?

These mini computers work much faster and faster. These sizes are larger than mini and they are used by banks, railway reservations, government departments and big companies. There is a loss of inky tasking.

4- What is a supercomputer?

These numbers are quite large in size. The ability to process data in this other mutable is quite high. This is multiuser and Multitasking. They are used to control satellites, nuclear reactors, missiles, etc.
This is example SahasraT (SERC - Cray XC40), Aaditya (iDataPlex DX360M4), TIFR - Cray XC30, HP Apollo 6000 Xl230 / 250, PARAM Yuva - II, Cluster Platform SL230s Gen8, Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c Gen8, iDataPlex DX360M4, Cluster Platform SL250s Gen8

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So friends, now you have become aware that what is the computer And how many types are it? And how many parts have they been divided and what is the basis of their classification? I have given you names of some supercomputers as well. Which will make your information bigger.
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